Monday, March 28, 2005

MIT admissions congratulations

Congratulations to...

Lisa Wang (2004 Germantown Academy InvenTeam: Fort Washington, PA)

for gaining admission to MIT, Class of 2009. Lisa now joins three other InvenTeams students accepted into the Class of 2009 and fellow 2004 Germantown Academy InvenTeam member, Lindsey Pete, Class of 2008.

InvenTeams Teachers -- please let me know about your students' college admissions and post-high school plans. We want to hear about the amazing things your students are doing following InvenTeams!


Blogger Dupa Jasia said...

So that evening, as they sat in the theater listening to the lively overture, even Miss Lydia was minded to relegate their troubles, for the hour, to second place.. Both originate in the infantile life and result from the transformation which our psychic and somatic organism has undergone since the infantile period.. I may also assume that these feelings followed me into sleep...

9:20 AM  
Blogger alex said...

By a slight turn the glass hat reminded me of Auer's light , and I knew that I was about to invent something which was to make me as rich and independent as his invention diovan had made my countryman, Dr.. There was an irregular trembling of the boat as the anchor struggled along the bottom of the canal; then there was a great shock; the boat ran into the bank and stopped; the tow-line was viagra tightened like a guitar-string, and the horse, jerked back with great violence, came tumbling in a heap upon the ground.. , is likewise incapable of consciousness, whereas adderall the second we term Forec.. An old stove, rusty with the clonidine nicotine contributed by farmers during the previous season while waiting by its glowing sides for their cotton to be sold, stood straight up in a bed of sand, and festoons of cobwebs clung to the upper sashes of the murky windows.. Behind the bells was the squire in his sleigh drawn by his fastest stepper, and he was alone, as the deacon was not. allegra. I will now point out where this method leads when I apply it tramadol to the examination of dreams.. Matt Pike was much tegretol amused by such degradation--however, he must say that they were all first-rate.. The Major (he was zocor a widower) and Mr.. Podington could not but think what a soma difference it made in the appearance of his friend to have his hair plastered close to his head.. But it's a type, you celexa know--not individual.. But it happened that hydrocodone the governor and my grandfather were old friends, and there was no offense.. Through this free transferability of the intensities, moreover, and in the service of condensation, intermediary presentations --compromises, as it were--are formed ( cf. calcium. The Major drew a ativan small envelope from his upper vest pocket and tossed it on the table.. Yo'-all's f'om up lithium No'th likely.. Sleep would topamax not come...

8:34 AM  

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